Tripod Camera for iPhone

Tripod Camera is the advanced iPhone camera application. Take leveled, clear photos with your iPhone just like when you're using a tripod.

Price: $1.99
For a limited time only, Tripod Camera is more than 30% off its regular price. Get It Now!
On the anti-tilt mode, your photos automatically become parallel to the horizon. Anti-shake detects the movement of your device and takes photo when it's steady.
- Anti-tilt
- Anti-shake

Tripod Camera can enhance night shots and backlight shots by adjusting only dark spots instead lightening the whole picture.
- Flash Effect

The whole screen becomes shutter. Touch anywhere to take a photo.
- Full screen shutter
Tripod Camera gies you up to 4x digital zoom.
- 1-4x digital zoom

The basic camera features are also provided.
- timer
- vibrate when snap
- preview
- tap-to-focus (iPhone 3GS only)

Share your photos with friends. You can directly send or publish your photos from Tripod Camera.
- MomoNote (MomoNote is a free personal memo application for web that helps you organize your life scraps. Visit to learn more.)
tip. "Tap-to-focus" setting is disabled as default on iPhone 3GS. Go to "Settings" on the home screen, and enable the focus option under Tripod Camera.